Monday, February 28, 2011

Last Post

I never did finish this blog.  Probably because I was too sad.  :(  Zoli flew back to his daddy back in December.  It was SUCH an ordeal.  It is not easy to get a dog from Cincinnati all the way to Botswana!  Stephen did a great job organizing it, but there was a lot to do on my side.  I was SO worried I would screw something up, but everything went smoothly.  For about a month leading up to his departure I would cry every time I even thought about it.  It was sooooo sad (and pathetic!).  On the day that he left, Mom and Meg and I drove him to the airport.  Long story short...I stood in the Delta Air Cargo terminal and cried when they rolled him away!  Of course, the workers were standing there watching me.  I asked if people often cried and they were like, "uh, no!"  Whatever!  I was way too sad and upset to care. 

Then it was a waiting game to hear when he arrived.  He went to DC first and had an overnight there,  then off to Amsterdam for another overnight in the airport kennel, then Nairobi (not sure how long he was there!) and finally into Botswana.  I think overall it took over 4 days for the trip.  Stephen said that Zoli was happy to see him and has settled in quite well.  He has said that Z does much more lazing around that he used to...go figure!  I still miss him a lot and know that when I settle down after the Peace Corps that I'll get a pooch of my own.

So, my one (plus) year with Zoli was an overall success.  I found out that I love dogs...or at least that I love Zoli!  We got some doggy training, took lots of walks, I lost my job (which sucked!), but then got to spent a lot of time on the couch with Zoli (which was nice!), decided to join the Peace Corps and managed to get Z back to his dad in one piece. Not bad!!  :)

I still miss him...sometimes I turn to say something to him and forget he's gone, or I'll expect him at the front door when I come home.  I can totally understand how people who have had pets for years and years become so attached to them.  Who knew?!

Well...time to end this blog.  Thanks to those of you who read and enjoyed it.  It was fun to do.  Actually, it was a godsend initially when I was having such a rough time...then it just became fun!

I've started a new blog for my Peace Corps adventure, so check it out at 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Reunited and it feels so good...

Well... Zoli and Stephen were finally reunited this past weekend after a year's separation! Of course, it was only for the weekend and then they were brutally torn apart again as Z and I came back to Cincinnati. It was pretty cute when Zoli saw Stephen... he ran up and just went crazy! Then he was completely conflicted all weekend - who to follow? who to listen to? who to go to? I think it made Stephen feel good to have Zoli be so happy to see him. And I have to admit that after awhile, when Zoli was like, "Barbara Who?" I was a little jealous...just a little! Stephen will come down to Cinti. this weekend and they will get some more time together before Stephen leaves for DC/Africa. I don't know exactly when Z will be sent over. We're waiting to hear about my Peace Corps nomination and then we'll figure it all out. Regardless, I'll get to keep him for a few more months...which is just fine as I will miss the little bugger when he's gone! :)

And, I know... the picture up there is NOT of Stephen and Zoli! For unknown reasons I didn't take one of them together - I will this weekend! But, rest assured...Stephen was nearby when this picture was taken! ;)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New leash!

Zoli bit through his leash... yes, I said he bit through his leash! He was on a walk with Chris (one of the workers at my building who will walk Z for me when I'm out of town!). They went over to Eden Park - yikes! From what I've been told Z tried to eat some ducks, then went crazy when he saw a dog - while Chris was trying to get him in control the leash went in front of his mouth (yes, the muzzle was on - thankfully!) and he gave it a good bite. It looks like a razer was taken to it...a clean cut right through. Good grief! I went out and bought a VERY strong leash - there's NO WAY he can bite through this one!!!

On a completely different note, I've posted a movie I made from some pictures. I'm taking a photography class at Cincinnati Art Academy and last week we had a field trip to Krohn Conservatory. These are the pics I'm bringing into class next week. Also, I'm putzing around on Google Picassa...hence the movie! ;)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fatty, fatty two by four...

I hate to admit it, but Zoli has gained more weight...he weighed in at a LARGE 50 pounds last week at the vet. She didn't seem concerned one bit but he is now officially on a diet! When I got him he only weighed about 41. My goal will be to have him back down to 45 before he heads to Africa. We can't send him to his new home overweight!!!!

As I mentioned many months ago, I often make up dorky songs to sing to him while getting his breakfast is this mornings:

Breakfast is coming, the dog is getting fat,
Please put a biscuit in the doggies hat.
If you have no biscuit, a slice of cheese will do,
If you have no slice of cheese, he'll eat your shoe.

Don't judge me!

Do you think the fact that I'm always singing about food has something to do with his overeating??? Since I've been unemployed Z get's at least one to two MORE walks a day...we should both be losing weight! However, we do lounge around on the sofa a you think that's the problem??? :)

So here's good news...back in the early days of A Year With Zoli whenever we would see another dog he would tremble and shake all over, A LOT, and at the same time he'd go crazy, pulling and snarling as he tried to eat them. Such a good multi-tasker!!!

Now days... he doesn't tremble AT ALL... and he only goes a "little" crazy! Of course, I do believe he still wants to eat them! Now, THAT is progress!!!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Strange New World...

I had a dream last night...

Zoli and I were walking in a park (I think it was Eden Park). He wasn't on a leash (that's how I knew it was a dream!). Z ran over and propped his paws up on a wall... an invisible wall!!! I ran over and put my hands on it, looked at Zoli and he said, "Let's do it!" I knew he meant climb over the wall to the other side. I said, "Let's!" And then...........I woke up. Dang!

I snuggled under the covers and tried to imagine what would have happened next. I decided that I would have been able to ask Zoli all the questions that have been adding up over the past 10 months...since he could talk and all.

"Why are you so crazy around other dogs?"
"Do you miss Bangladesh?"
"How have you been feeling lately, allergies bugging you?"
"What's up with all that pulling?"
"Have you been happy with me?"
"Are you excited to see you Dad soon?"
"Seriously... why all the sniffing?"
"What's with the obsession with squirrels?"

I figured I could have all the answers...finally!!!

Then I realized that if Zoli could talk, even in my dream, it would have gone something like this...

"Is that a dog!"
"What's that smell?"
"Whose there?"
"I want to be five feet ahead of you...NOW!"
"Eat all dogs now!"

Maybe that's why I woke up...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Time is running out...

My time with Zoli is quickly coming to an end. Stephen will be home August 4th and by the end of the month Z will have been flown to Botswana to be with him. I can hardly believe that there are only four months left. I am surprised at how very attached I've become to him. In fact, when I think of him leaving it makes me very sad. But, he is Stephen's pet and I know that they have missed each other. My friends/family are convinced that I will go out and get another dog, but it won't be Zoli, so I can't imagine that.

I do admit that it will be nice to not count hours every time I leave...that does get old. But...that's about it. Zoli has been a perfect visitor, even with those two bites he gave me! I was so nervous when he first arrived... we have certainly made strides with each other.

I continue with the dog training because there are still areas where he needs some improvement, but overall, he's really done great. He's able to walk down the street, see dogs across the street, and NOT go crazy. Now, he still doesn't like them on the same side of the sidewalk as he is...he just needs his space.

We like to go to the church across the street and sit in the very plush grass and watch the world go by. Sometimes we go over on Victory Parkway and sit on a little stone wall and watch the traffic pass. It's very relaxing. Since I've been unemployed Zoli gets an extra walk every day, so basically he's outside about every four hours... sorry Stephen!!! It's a nice schedule, gets me outside regularly and I know he loves being outdoors.

So... we will enjoy the time we have remaining. We'll lounge together on the sofa every evening, snuggle together every night, sit on the porch and watch the neighbor dogs (and howl!), sit in the grass, practice being comfortable with other dogs and generally enjoy each other's company. Nice!